Scottish born Kenny McCracken now resides on the south coast. Having moved to Brighton to study photography. He has never managed to leave the seaside town.
He spent his degree years playing music as well as taking photographs. At the end of his degree he changed direction and took a record deal, this led him to a decade of being in two bands, ‘Victor Malloy’ & then ’Gloria Cycles’.
After 10 fun packed years gigging and with two albums and as many record deals, it was time to grow up (Ha ha) and with a young family Kenny turned back to his passion, photography.
Shooting; Album Covers, Band Promos and Editorial’s, he quickly established a style and a creativity that was noticed… Moving image was the natural progression, and the story begins again.
Kenny’s work style is shot in camera. Using minimal post effects and the love of strong performance with a concept. He likes to connect with an artist to make sure he incorporates their ideas within what’s possible.
Shooting videos for fresh artists, Kenny is spreading his wings.